Many internet users want to earn money from internet but don't know how to start. Some says through selling product, some says through blogging or build website selling advertisement. But for a new internet user like you, i think is not easy to build a high traffic website or blog that can attract people to your website everyday. Then how to earn money from there? I've build my blog for years, but only got few bucks because of less traffic.
Hence a lot of internet user give up and think that internet income is impossible, is a trick to us. What do you think? I would say NOT if you put some effort !
There is a company build a "Adsense revenue sharing" concept website that allow us to earn internet money through adsense without build a website or blogging. Maybe you will ask, how is this possible? Yes, its not wrong, its possible and i am earn some extra money by using this website.
The concept behind this Adsense revenue sharing is you post content or information on this high traffic website. When people search in google or other search engine, and they open up your content then you have chance to earn adsense money IF you visitors click on any of the advertisement. Remember, this is website is high integrated with search engine and you do not need to worry about the traffic and the advertisement's position arrangement, it was optimize by profession. You just need to post content as much as you can, then the earning will automatic go into your Adsense account.
Now, you can start earning at:
2. Put your Adsense Publisher ID in the registration page. For other adsense option, don't key in anything if you don't know what you are doing,just leave it blank will do.
3. For the "Main website url" field, you can put in the blog url that you registered with
4. After registered, log in to the website ( The
5. After loged in, Click on the "blog entry" in the control panel position on your left sidebar.
6. At last, submit your interesting content and start earn money.