ah tim The BLOggER, the BEST personal BLOG 2007 AWARD!

Welcome to my best personal BLOG 2007 ! My name is tim, and most of the people call me ah tim, that is why i named my blog with ah tim The BLOggER. I am a IT specialist and my dream is to become a full time BLOggER so that can spend more time for my family and God's work. My purpose to design and write this blog is to provide valuable information to you and hopefully you get some information or tools that you want or needed before leave my BLOG. Well, i am not a full time blogger, hence don't have much time to research on those high level techniques to make money online, BUT i will tell you how i manage make some money online by using my free time. I will update this BLOG as frequent as i can, with your frequent visit or read my feedburner daily. Enjoy surfing and do give your comments in my post ! Take care :)

Monday, August 6, 2007

Implement Trackback function in BlogSpot.com - using Haloscan

During last post, i did mentioned about increase your BLOG traffic by using the trackback function to others high trafficked BLOG. In order to use this function, you have to use WordPress. But if you are using free BLOG service provider such as Blogger.com or BlogSpot.com, then you need alternative way to implement trackback, because Blogger.com or BlogSpot.com have not provide trackback function yet!

Actually Liewcf.com had mentioned in his BLOG on why we need to trackback and how to use trackback in more effective way. Amanda, a mom of 2 kids also mentioned on how to use Haloscan in Blogger.com, but what she write is on OLD Blogger.com. I would like to review the technique in latest Blogger.com or BlogSpot.com

1. Goto Haloscan and register a FREE account

2. Login to Haloscan and click on "Install" button as shown below:

3. Follow BLOggER Installation Wizard instruction 1

4. Follow BLOggER Installation Wizard instruction 2

5. You're done ! Refer back to your BLOG and you will see the "trackback" link is just right after the comments link. This trackback link is to allow other bloggers link to your post.

6. To increase your BLOG traffic, you need to trackback your post to other bloggers post. Click on "Manage Comments" in Haloscan, then click "Send a Trackback Ping". After key in your necessary BLOG info, click on "Send Pings".

7. Well done ! Your BLOG is expose for more traffic NOW :)